I got married.
I will have to revisit this--a HUGE task--some other day when I have more time and am not on my honeymoon. Be patient; wait for it...wait for it...
I will eventually start a blog with Mike to share all the sordid details of our life with you but for now, while we're on our honeymoon, I'll keep writing in this one. My 13-year-old cousin, Michaela, and my sister, Sarah, asked me to keep a travel journal or honeymoon blog of sorts ("without the intimate details, please"). I assured them I would write diligently but forgot how awkward and cumbersome it is to type with fake nails. Stupid vanity. My progress has been frustratingly slow.
Since I'm behind and partially handicapped because of my talons, I'll only include the major highlights from our stay at the Old Yacht Club Inn in Santa Barbara:
1. After spending an hour or so in an emergency clinic, we found out that Mike had tendonitis in his left foot and not the broken toe we had feared. Rx: rest and pain killers/anti-inflammatory drugs.
2. The first breakfast I had--an omelette covered in "feet cheese" (a.k.a. parmesan)--made me sick. I became fast friends with the pink stuff and took a shot every half hour.
Aside from those two surprises, Santa Barbara was lovely.