This year has been a year of firsts.
This year, we bought our first house.
This year, we adopted our first puppy.
This year, we bought our first appliances.
This year, we bought our first pieces of grown-up furniture.
This year, we celebrated our first Thanksgiving with multiple families under one roof.
This year, we bought our first Christmas tree.
This year, we hung Christmas lights on our house for the first time.
This year, we began hosting Life Group at our house for the first time.
This year, I decided to try being friends with girls for the first time in years.
This year, I had my feelings hurt and my heart broken by girls. It hurt just like the first times.
This year, I asked God if it would be okay if I gave up trying to be friends with girls.
This year, just like every year, He didn’t say anything—He just held me while I cried salty tears all over my dog.
This year, after my friendship fiascos, God tasked a few women with the terribly difficult, often times exhausting job of loving me. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe and loved. By girls. (In case you’re not sure, this is a big deal.)
This year, I talked on the phone with my far-away friend for the first time. She called to speak truth, love, wisdom and encouragement over me. At the end of my life, when God and I are sifting through the highlights, her phone call will be one of them.
This year, my heart ached for my future-babies.
This year, and not for the first or last time, I cried when I found out I wouldn’t meet them yet.
This year, I realized that when people talk about “young people”, they’re no longer talking about me. *gasp*
This year, I began using all sorts of creams to make my eyes and neck-and-chest skin look young while the rest of me gets old.
This year, I learned (am still learning) how to love people without trying to “fix/help/rescue” them.
This year, I learned (am still learning) that growing up is hard but good--so so good.
What a year.
P.S. I would love to hear about some of your firsts.
P.S.S. No pressure or anything.
P.S.S.S. But seriously, I would love to know what your year has been like in a few (or a slew of) words.