Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In Medias Res: In the middle of things

I am embarrassingly yet characteristically late at writing about the wonder of Christmastime, my hopes and dreams for the New Year and revelations experienced thus far. I had good intentions (I always do) to write more regularly this year and already I have failed. I don’t know how else to explain it but to say I was

In medias res,

which is Latin for,

“in(to) the middle of things.”

This is probably one of my favorite Latin phrases (and not just because it’s also a literary term). As a literary technique, the writer jumps right into the action (right into the thick of it!) and propels the story forward from that point instead of starting at the beginning with “Once Upon A Time”.

Tangent: In case you’re wondering, “Tinea Cruris” is a close second favorite; it means “ringworm of the groin".  This is more commonly referred to as jock itch. End of tangent.

I digress.

2009 segued into 2010 without giving me time to do anything beyond brushing my teeth and rubbing away eye boogers. I needed a “zero week”—you know, that first week of school that doesn’t really count when your professors hand out syllabi, give you a reading assignment, and excuse you for the rest of the class. Since the real world doesn’t believe in such frivolities, I’ve kept going (on auto-pilot).  I realize that if I wait for the "right" moment to share/unload/let go, I will be emotionally (and perhaps physically) constipated.

I'm not jumping in now but I will soon.

Because I have much to share/ask/talk about loving people where they’re at (which I’m learning is strangely similar to where I’m at, says Lina in retrospect ), LIFE-right-here-right-now, Jesus as my Facebook friend and everything in between.

Sorry I've been gone for so long.  I hope you've been well.

Talk to you soon.




  1. I just happened to be logged in right when you posted (which probably makes me the ultimate stalker). Looking forward to more posts from you! Happy New Year. :)


    I love it when you use latin :D


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