Thursday, December 29, 2011

Change is gonna come. In a few days.


[Condensed Version]

I'm going to change it up on this blog next year by adding two more features*:

*I don't think "features" is the right word but I can't think of anything else. Forgive me. "Features" sounds like I'm providing you with something of value, and I can't say for certain that what I'm adding will be of any value to you. :)

  • Book Reviews: informal. not serious. my solution to a book club, without the commitment and inevitable shame spiral that I fall into when I don't finish the reading.
  • Daily Scribbles: 100 words or less in response to a writing prompt. It could be anything--a poem, a song, a picture, an experience. Anything. 

The book reviews and daily scribbles are for me--to keep me constantly engaged in creative pursuits--but I hope you'll join in, too. I would love to hear/read/see your responses to the book reviews and daily scribbles. 


[Long-winded Version]

I'm not good at playing most games--except for one.

I am the master of the compare game. 

You know what I'm talking about right? When you compare [insert variable] with yourself? It often looks like this:

I just saw on Facebook that [insert person] got her hair cut. Maybe I should get my hair cut...

[insert person] has such a nice car! It's nicer than my car...

Mike, did you know that [insert person] writes a blog? She has way more followers than me...

If it were a good game to play, you'd want me on your team. For life. 

Unfortunately, it's not. It's a very bad game, and I know it. So does everyone else. 

Playing the compare game doesn't make me feel good. It keeps me from being happy for other people when really good things happen to them. It keeps me from believing that who I am, at this moment, is enough. And good. And lovely. Just like God says.

It keeps me from swimming in a glorious sea of contentment. 

I don't want to live like this--play a game I cannot win--forever. I'm pretty sure God doesn't want me to spend time playing it. Besides, playing the compare game is always a slippery slope. It starts out as an observation, but before I know it, I'm coveting, comparing and grumbling. It leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.

This year, I want to play a new game--live a new life--that's steeped in gratitude and courage and love. I want to do, not just say. Aside from the spirit-enriching, character-stretching benefits of quitting the compare game, I want to play this new game because I'm not getting any younger. If Jesus comes back tomorrow, I won't have very much to talk about. 

I want to have a LOT to talk about. I want to tell Him I didn't squander the gifts He gave me. 

So, in 2012, I am going to stop listening to the voices in my head, the ones that are raspy and croaky and tinny. They say things like, 

Don't kid yourself--she has enough friends. She's just being nice.
But that [insert new thing] is shinier/faster/lighter/prettier!
I wish I had [fill in the blank].
Your writing is just okay.
Your grammar is a little rusty...
The amount of followers and comments you have directly reflect your coolness/popularity/worth.
They're probably not going to like this post as much as the last one.

I know these voices don't say true things, but they are awfully loud. And convincing. Sometimes I mumble the things they say to Mike Fox, my sister, Sarah, and my friend, Nannette. (Thanks for listening to me, guys.) Sarah always knows how to drown out the noise with truth:

"Bean, write for you. Don't write for everyone else. Write because it makes you happy. Remember those stories you used to write in junior high? About the guy with the beautifully tanned skin and the black-as-night hair that was wild and tousled? And the girl with the sad grey eyes?" 

She actually remembers more details and always keeps going, but I am blushing as I type this because those stories, and the writing in those stories, were terrible. TERRIBLE. But, Sarah always says, "Bean, that's not the point. The point is, you had fun then. And you wrote a lot. Your insecurities are keeping you from writing. You need to write!" 

So, that's what I'm going to do. 

I'll also be adding book reviews to this blog. Not serious book reviews--just some thoughts about what I've read, what I'm reading and what I'd like to read. I like the idea of a book club but am wary about committing. What if I don't like the book that's chosen? What if I don't finish my reading before the meeting? Then I can't participate and will feel like I'm hindering the group's discussion. And then I will just stop attending...Anyway, I will be sharing what I'm currently reading (or would like to read) here. I hope you'll share your reading lists with me, too. I'm always looking for another great read!

I'm most excited about starting a daily scribble post. Each day, I will write 100 words or less in response to a prompt. It could be anything--a color, a word, a quote, a song, a picture...(you get the idea). It will probably be really terrible writing--I'm sorry about that!--but if I try to edit myself too much, I will get caught up in the compare game. Or I'll just do what I normally do and wait for inspiration to come to me, which could take forever. (Actual timespan.) So, I'm going to spit out the words and let it be bad. Who knows? I might find something worth saving. 

I'm forcing myself to write on this blog to keep me accountable. I could be writing to no one, but at least my words will exist outside of my body. Please don't hesitate to share what you're reading, respond to a daily scribble, or share something that inspired you. I hope that the book reviews and daily scribbles will be the beginning of a conversation, a creative collaboration. 

As your friend, I have to warn you that there will be a lot of awful writing. You can stop reading and following me if you like. That's okay. I just have to keep writing. I can't die with words inside of me simply because I'm afraid they're not enough.

They're all I have, really.


  1. Girrrlllfriend, you CAN do it. I know you can! Remember when you were reluctant to start a blog but look at this and YOU now?! Oh snap! Picture this, it's Christmas and yes, God gave us baby Jesus for a present but just envision God presenting you with this beautifully wrapped present. And when you opened it, you saw that it was the gift of writing and writing well!

    Now Imagine you taking that gift out and playing with it for a little bit and ooohing-and ahhing at it in wonderment. And like you just wrote about in your entry, you saw someone else with a similar gift but perceived it to be better so you put the gift aside like a discarded toy.

    If you keep that vision in your mind it will help you remember that God doesn't give gifts haphazardly. He created you and knew what priceless gifts to bestow upon you. This is the vision I sustain to keep me writing in my blog and taking pictures with zeal and passion.

    You can do it, Bean. Because God knows YOU can!

  2. I am so excited about these new features!

    And what you write will never be awful because it will be a part of you, where you are at a pinpointed moment in time, and you are beautiful/unique/fantabulous.

    As the luminous Ms. Roosevelt said, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. That includes you. Maybe in 2012 you can decide that you are never inferior - you are Bean. And quite perfectly, at that.

    Much love to you, sweet friend. Can't wait to see what this year holds for you. :)

  3. @Nannette: Thanks for reminding me that God is the ultimate gift-giver. If it were a contest, He totally wins every time. :) Thanks for believing and encouraging and just being a fantastic friend. Oh, and thanks also for sharing that vision. Homies 4 life!
    @Christiana: Man, God sure spoils me with your friendship. As always, you are generous with affirmation, encouragement and love. I learn so much from you (even though I don't get it right all the time...hehe...) I'm excited to have conversations here and elsewhere, conversations about God and dreams and bodies and future-babies. :) Love you, my future-friend.

  4. @Amber: Me too, Amber! ME. TOO. I'm also excited to read about your foray into ballet, and how your fellow commuters react to you singing loudly at the top of your lungs at 8 a.m. :D

  5. lina, i'm a little late here. i didn't know you were writing on here again so i haven't been keeping up but....i just want to say seriously. i love you. i have never met you and don't really know you but you say the things i'm thinking or things i wish i was thinking and that makes me smile and think everything will be okay. or better than ok. you are inspiring. know that. okay, i really should be sleeping. this little guy of mine will be up to eat again soon but i can't wait to read everything i've missed. i hope there is lots :)


    1. Jenn, your kind words blew me away. I was stunned speechless. I read them, and then re-read them to make sure I hadn't embellished or overlooked anything in my haste. I don't think you'll ever know how much your encouragement means to me, especially now. Thank you for loving me and for wanting to walk through life on this blog with me. I am truly grateful. THANK YOU!


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