Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i might need to take sex ed again


I'm not sure how I made it to 28 without knowing much about the reproductive system, but I will be the first to admit that a fourth grader probably knows more than I do. I'm sure I'd benefit from watching that video they show to girls in elementary school to teach them about their changing bodies. I think it was called "The New You". I remember it being strange and alienating. (Changes? What changes?) It was foreign to me but there were some girls in my class who already had new bodies. Those girls used to huddle on the playground during recess to talk about their new, grown-up bodies while the rest of us with ordinary kid-bodies played kid-games and dug holes in the sand box that smelled of cat pee. These new girls were modest enough not to talk about the most obvious change, but they did allude to new hair and smells and aching chests. It sounded horrifying and fascinating. I searched my body for signs of change every night to no avail. Until one day.

One day, I noticed a new hair.

I ran to where "the new girls" were huddled at recess and said, "YOU GUYS! I have a hair. You know--a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir."

(Obviously, my desire to fit in outweighed any shame a normal person with any decency might have felt from yelling about pubic hair in public.)

I directed their attention to the tiny eyelash growing out of the mole on my right forearm and waited for them to tell me I was finally welcome to join their new-body club. They smiled at me. It was a pity-smile.

"Lina, that isn't a pubic hair. You'll know when you get one. And if you're not sure, you should ask your mom."

I was so disappointed.

I know about as much now as I did when I was in fourth grade. (Well, maybe a little bit more.) This is inconvenient (to say the least) when you're trying to have a baby. You're probably wondering how I could be so ignorant. Didn't I take Biology and Health? Yes and Yes, but I didn't retain anything. When my doctor said I was healthy enough to start trying to have a baby, I just stared at her and said, "So now what?" I almost started laughing when she said, "Take prenatal vitamins and have lots of intercourse." I immediately called Mike to tell him the good news:

Me: The doctor said I'm healthy! She said we can start trying.
Mike: That's great news, Bean! I'm so excited!
Me: She told me to have lots of intercourse. HAHAHAHA! She said "intercourse". Who says "intercourse"?!
Mike: Doctors do.
Me: Oh. Right. That's true.
Mike: Real mature, Bean.


I was worried about being healthy enough to have a baby for a really long time. There's still a chance the hole in my heart could re-open as a result of the strain of childbirth, and my Graves Disease could flare up and make me sick all over again during pregnancy. And then there's conception. Honestly, I just read about it a few weeks ago, and it felt like I was learning it for the first time. (What if the sperm picks the wrong Fallopian tube?! What if the sperm and egg barely miss each other?!) Despite these odds, I am constantly reminded that God is bigger than these "what ifs", that there's no detail He has overlooked.

He has surrounded us with an amazing community of friends and family members to love, encourage and advise us during this pre-baby season. I am surprised and humbled by the prayers, advice and encouragement we've already received. I even got an instant message from a co-worker that said, "Am I allowed to ask if you've gotten your period? Because I really hope not!" They've lent books, shared their own stories, and directed me to informative websites. One friend gave me all of her prenatal vitamins because she and her husband are taking a different route to building their family. Another almost took a picture of her cervical fluid to show me what I should be looking for! (I'm relieved she didn't but I appreciated the thought.)


Dear Future-Babies:

You are blessed to be so loved and prayed for by such remarkable men and women. I hope we meet you soon! There are a lot of people who are excited to meet you.

There are a lot of people we want you to meet.


Mama Bean (And your dad. And Crosby and Gemma, too.)


  1. Okay, I'm sorry. I am going to be crass. And I hope your family won't read this comment. All I can remember is that one day in the office with the hair and the sweater. And all I can think of is "MOY!" bahahaha. I'm so mature with you!

  2. Lina - I am one of the most impatient people in the world, so I completely understand your frustration. Hang in there, if I've learned anything - we can't control God's perfect timing. I don't say this to boast, so please, please don't take it that way, but Todd and I got pregnant quickly. Too quickly. I remember looking at the positive sign and thinking, "Oh no. What have we done?" I would be lying if I said I haven't asked that question a million times since. I just assumed it would take a year or more to conceive. God has had to do a complete overhaul on my control issues during this pregnancy. I know he's teaching you something amazing during the wait! And you will pass that lesson on to your little bean.

    Also - that trick people talk about, where you lift your legs afterwards (gravity and all that), there's actually truth in it. Consider me exhibit A.


  3. Lina,
    I just found your blog and it is so fun to read. I too feel like I am stuck in 4th grade when it comes to sex ed. and having to go to the gyno... here in Mexico (in spanish) makes it even MORE fun ;) I hope that everything is going well for you in everything but especially regarding your reproductive adventures.

    1. Thanks Nikki! That means a lot to me. :) Do you remember that film they showed us in 4th grade? The best part about it was getting free samples pads, tampons and deodorant. I LOVE FREEBIES!

      I bet going to the lady doctor in a different country would be interesting. You are brave!

      Thanks for your well-wishes. I will be shouting it from the mountaintops of the internet when we are expecting. (Hopefully soon!) I hope you're doing well, too!


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