Friday, January 13, 2012

daily scribbles :: table for one

Click here to read why I scribble every day.


East Borough. Costa Mesa. December 31, 2011.


I haven't talked to God in a long time.

("Long" is relative, but it feels long to me.) 

I don't have any excuses--I just haven't. At least not the way we used to. 

It  feels like we broke up, like we've been "taking a break". (And I was the one who initiated it.) During this time of voluntary "aloneness", I've had some really good days and some really not-good ones. Overall, I've  felt okay without our talks.

At least I did for a little while. 

Yesterday, I decided I missed Him and was ready to talk--really talk. This was going to be much more than the Facebook posts or text messages I'd sent Him to get by. 

You know, the types of prayers where you're zipping through the fastest thank you possible so you can tuck into your food. 
Or praying for safety. 
Or just saying, "Thanks for today! Talk to you soon. Promise." 

I was ready to have a full-blown dinner-movie-cocktails kind of date. 

(That probably doesn't sound like a fancy date, but I really like dinner, and I really like movies.)

I was ready to give Him my undivided time and attention.

To prepare myself, I gathered almost every devotional in my house--the ones that already have "the good entries" highlighted and flagged. I figured that after such a long absence, it was probably best for me to dive in with the most compelling entries. I wiped the dust off of the covers and stacked them on my desk. I also grabbed my prayer notebook, the one I use to record praises and requests. It was a little premature but I thought, best to be prepared. I cleared my throat, took a sip of my reheated coffee, and read the day's entry in the first devotional. 

Good, I guess. Thanks for the reminder.

I didn't feel the familiar stirring of convictions/adoration/praise/awe within me. I didn't feel anything, really. So I thought, maybe the next one will speak to me. Still nothing. I stayed positive.

That was really good. Thanks.

And so it went till I'd read through the entire stack of devotionals. In the past, I would feel a lot. The devotionals were just jumping-off points for long, soul-quenching conversations with God. It didn't take much for me to feel God's presence, to sit with Him in silence or talk about a million things. But that day, I struggled to find one nugget--something to think about--from these tried and true devotionals. I tried to find something to store in my heart, to pray about and dwell on throughout the day, but I felt nothing. I might have felt more if I had read a soup can label.

Not to be deterred, I picked up my Daily Bible--the one that helps you read through the entire bible in a year. Surely, God will speak to me through His Word! 

I flipped to that day's passage and read the old testament excerpt. I knew the story--Abraham makes his servant place his hand on his thigh and swear to bring his son, Isaac, a wife. Isaac ends up marrying his dad's grand-niece, which would make her his...I don't know, some sort of relative. 

I kept waiting for God to poke my heart, to fill me with the usual feelings of awe and wonder I feel when I read His word. 

I didn't feel anything. I kept thinking about the large gold nose ring and bracelets the servant gave Isaac's future-wife. I couldn't stop wondering what they looked like.

I read the passages from the old testament, Psalms and Proverbs. Still nothing. 

I began to pray but sort of gave up halfway through. 

For the first time in our relationship, I felt like God wasn't there. 

I mean, I know He's still there. And everywhere. I just didn't feel like He was there with me. (I feel sacrilegious for saying this. Please understand that this is just how I felt.)

Where was He? Why wasn't He talking to me?

In all the years I'd flaked on Him or rescheduled our "dates", I always knew He would be waiting for me when I was ready. This time, I felt like I showed up, and He stood me up.

It felt--feels--strange. 

I confided in my friend, Nannette, about it. I wasn't looking for a formula to guarantee God would show up next time, that I would feel His presence again if I just did certain things. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy. I wanted to know if I was the only person who'd experienced this. She assured me I wasn't. She told me to keep seeking Him--even if I don't feel anything--because our relationship with Him should be founded in faith, not feelings. 

This made sense to me. I'm not married and un-married whenever I feel like it. God doesn't just want to be friends, with benefits. He wants a relationship. He wants me to pursue Him.

I respect that. I mean, I have to. I'm not sure how long the silence will last, but I will keep showing up to meet with God, even if I'm just sitting there alone.

I know He's not far.


I've never understood when other people have said they don't feel anything when they talk to God. Now I do. Have you ever felt this way?


  1. I struggle with this as well. Many times. I think it's because I often push my own agenda before his. And as a result, when I set aside some times for him, or when I feel really down, I feel that he's not there.

    But it's silly, isn't it? To expect him to meet me - my needs and expectations - and then be done with it. When in reality, I should be going to him.

    Thanks. It's hard to say stuff like this, because it shows that I'm not at the place - relationship wise - where I'm "supposed" to be. It feels like I'm a failure at calling myself a follower of Christ.

    1. Don't beat yourself up too hard. I think we (universal "we") sometimes feel like we can't be in relationship with God the way we have relationships with people. We can focus on ideals, how we think our relationship with Him should be.

      Our relationship with God is supposed to be the most natural because He already knows us intimately. We don't have to go on 15 dates for Him to know US. The dates--us pursuing Him--are for our benefit. It's our time to get to know Him.

      It probably sounds like I adhere to some formula--devotions + reheated coffee + favorite pen and highlighter = God speaking to me in Dolby Digital Surround Sound--but I don't. I prefer to talk continuously throughout the day. But since I hadn't talked to Him in awhile, I felt like I should make it a formal date. Curl my eyelashes, floss my teeth--you know, the works. (Sad that those two actions are "the works".)

      Our relationship with Him continues to change as we grow and mature. We change, He doesn't. He knows that. He's our constant. We're the ones going through the growing-pains! As long as you're seeking Him, you're where you're supposed to be--within seeking/speaking distance.

  2. Per our conversation (oh, how corporate-sounding I am) last year was my season of not hearing God's voice or feeling his presence. It was unbearable and my human tendencies told me I was doing the wrong things which is why He's turned away from me. But I've learned that it's not about performance but about following Him. Seeking Him even when we don't FEEL it. But when you travel through the darkness, alone and afraid, but continue to follow Him he will lead you out of it with a stronger character. I read "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers through this time and it helped to remind me that God never changes and is constant. We will always be a work in progress.

    Let me share today's devotional from "My Utmost..." with you:

    When God gets us alone through suffering, heartbreak, temptation, disappointment, sickness, or by thwarted desires, a broken friendship, or a new friendship— when He gets us absolutely alone, and we are totally speechless, unable to ask even one question, then He begins to teach us. Notice Jesus Christ’s training of the Twelve. It was the disciples, not the crowd outside, who were confused. His disciples constantly asked Him questions, and He constantly explained things to them, but they didn’t understand until after they received the Holy Spirit (see John 14:26).

    As you journey with God, the only thing He intends to be clear is the way He deals with your soul. The sorrows and difficulties in the lives of others will be absolutely confusing to you. We think we understand another person’s struggle until God reveals the same shortcomings in our lives. There are vast areas of stubbornness and ignorance the Holy Spirit has to reveal in each of us, but it can only be done when Jesus gets us alone. Are we alone with Him now? Or are we more concerned with our own ideas, friendships, and cares for our bodies? Jesus cannot teach us anything until we quiet all our intellectual questions and get alone with Him.

    1. Thank you for sharing encouragement and wisdom with me about the silence, Nanners. I think it gives me the opportunity to miss HIM, not just his gifts or the feeling I get when He's close.

      Today's Utmost was spot-on for me. Unlike yesterday, when I felt nothing, I felt something. :)

      I can't believe you wrote, "Per our conversation..." Hahaha!

  3. THANK YOU for this - the honesty and the humor in it... I remember laughing at the Facebook status updates to God thing from LG, because I totally do it too. I just put My Utmost back by my bedside.

    1. I'm so glad you can relate. :) There was so much dust on My Utmost and all of the other devotionals. (So telling.) I like knowing that we'll be starting our chats with God on similar topics. Look at Oswald--connecting us (and humanity!) with God, one day at a time. :)

      Thanks for reading!

  4. You know my heart on this and yes, especially right now in this weird season I feel the same exact way. I know He isn't far, but the distance between us makes each day a bit harder than I feel it normally would be. Who knows though, tomorrow is a new day!

    1. You're right--every day without him feels harder, feels lonelier.

      I like your optimism though. :) Tomorrow IS a new day. :)

  5. Love that, Nannette: "our relationship with Him should be founded in faith, not feelings."

    My feelings get me in trouble. Sometimes. Like when I think Josh is mad at me and I feel all insecure and then a little panicky and suddenly I'm grieving the loss of my marriage - when I find out he he's just cranky and needs a little snack.

    Not trusting our feelings, but trusting who God is. I've always loved this song by a little band called Everybody Duck that sorta speaks to this...

    Because You Are

    I can't feel You like others around me
    I don't feel like kneeling or closing my eyes
    Is there something wrong with my heart that I can't see
    Or do You feel loved still when nobody cries

    So I'll praise You if I never feel You
    And I'll love You cause I know You're there
    And if You should choose, I'm sure one day I'll feel it
    But feeling good's never the reason I've cared

    Father, I praise You because You are
    Jesus, I love You because You are
    Spirit, I worship You because You are
    And if no one can see that Your love's moving me
    I'll worship You still and forever will
    Because You are

    Cause I know in my heart how bad I want to touch You
    You must sense this love my soul barely contains
    No lack of desire in this desert to worship
    I keep singing skyward, it just never rains

    So I'll praise You if I never feel You
    And I'll love You cause I know You're there
    And if You should choose, I'm sure one day I'll feel it
    But feeling good's never the reason I've cared

    Father, I praise You because You are
    Jesus, I love You because You are
    Spirit, I worship You because You are
    And if no one can see that Your love's moving me
    I'll worship You still and forever will
    Because You are

    I can't feel You like others around me
    I don't feel like kneeling or closing my eyes
    Is there something wrong with my heart that I can't see
    Or do You feel loved still when nobody cries

    {...and if you'd like to hear it:}

    1. I laughed when I read about you grieving the loss of your marriage--not because I'm mean, but because I've been there so many times. I can, umm, get carried away and spiral out of control. (I have a lot of feelings!)

      Thanks for sharing this song. It is where I am. I hope that I will one day be able to say, "I'll worship You still and forever will Because You are" instead of saying, "Where the heck are You?! Guess You don't care. I'm out. Peace." Faith > feelings. Thanks for the reminder. :)

      P.S. So good to hear your voice and see your words again. I've missed you!


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