Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily Scribbles :: Perspective

Click here to read why I scribble every day.

MOMA. San Francisco. January 3, 2012.


When I get frustrated with work,
when I feel like I'm not doing anything meaningful with my life,
when I ask why injustice (seemingly) abounds--unchecked--or
why relationships unexpectedly crumble, or
why some bodies betray the souls inside them and disintegrate too soon,
I sometimes want to

q      u      i       t

And stop trying

But then, God reminds me that it's all a matter of perspective--His, not mine.

It doesn't change anything, but it reminds me that my life--and everything in it--is (more than) enough.

My life is a work in progress. I need to stop interrupting The Artist and let Him work.


Have you experienced a change in perspective lately? If so, what prompted the change? What was your perspective before and after?


  1. I had to change ALL of my perspective. Period. Last year I was Negative Nannette. With everything! I pretty much spit in God's face because he blessed me abundantly but I couldn't get my head outta my a$$. This year, I stop myself from negative thought patterns, speech, and behavior. I even have to stop myself from joking around about my being a loser.

    But we play in the same playground so I will pinch, shake, nudge, cajole, and hug you to encourage your newfound perspective!

    1. *high five* I love that changing your perspective doesn't necessarily change what's going on in real-life. But it helps. A LOT. I'm proud of you, Nanners! It's gonna be a good year. :)


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